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Peru - Jaén - Huabal - CONDOR - FW,Organic

TypicaPacheCaturra rougeCatimorWashed

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About this coffee

Our Condor coffee is a washed blend, certified organic. It is a blend of the catimor, caturra, typica and pache varieties, which is a mutation of typica.

It is produced in the Jaén region, Peru's most important coffee-growing area. Producers belonging to the Coopagro cooperative own small plots of land, often less than 2 hectares in size. These farms are called "cafetales".

Its name is a tribute to the majestic Andean Condor. Coopagro works actively to reforest these plots, to combat deforestation in Peru and encourage coffee growing that is in harmony with its environment.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

  • Species

  • Varieties



    Caturra rouge,


  • Process


  • Drying


  • Altitude

    1350 - 1900
  • Harvest period

    April - July
  • Type of harvest


The cooperative Coopagro

COOPAGRO PERU, is a cooperative founded on November 26, 2016, with 264 producers dedicated to the cultivation of coffee. The main objective is to contribute to the development and welfare of all members and their families in the Cajamarca region. COOPAGRO, has its scope of action in the provinces of San Ignacio, Jaén and Cutervo in the Cajamarca region.

COOPAGRO has its base in the city of Jaen. This city is located in a low-lying basin surrounded by a large number of terroirs located at higher altitudes. The cooperative is therefore centrally located and surrounded by mountainous production areas. We started our partnership with Coopagro in 2016, when César, our Belco quality manager, was a judge at the Peruvian Cup of Excellence. The following year, our engineers visited them to share best agricultural practices and the development of new processes with a number of producers in the region. 

The coffee producers in the Coopagro Peru cooperative mainly grow a variety called 'Catimor', which has a relatively low yield and poor cup quality. To help these producers enter the specialty coffee market and obtain a higher, more stable income from their production, a project was implemented in 2022 by the Belco agency in Colombia to provide producers with coffee varieties with more recognised profiles.  

In addition to this economic aspect, the project is also developing an environmental aspect with the reforestation of land in this largely deforested region.  

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