El Copinol Escondido
El Salvador - Morazan - El Tablon - Elmer Martinez - El Copinol Escon

El Salvador
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El Salvador Region
Morazan Terroir
El Tablon - El Copinol Escondido
- Elmer Martinez
30kg - Jute bags
1000 Variety
Fermentation time
6 days Fermentation of the bean
85% Drying
18 days on drying beds
Harvest period
September - May Type of harvest
The farm El Copinol Escondido
El Copinol Escondido is a small farm, but an important family project: you have to walk 40 minutes between waterfalls, plantations and forest to reach the top of the mountain, where there is a huge Copinol (Hymenaea courbaril), and the name of Elmer's farm takes on its full meaning. At Copinol Escondido, there is a constant replanting of fruit trees and an emphasis on manual weeding and organic fertilisation.
Agroforestry level
1 - Simple

Meet Elmer Martinez
A few words about Elmer Martinez
When Elmer planting cacao, it was by chance, his uncle gave him eleven pods, he planted the seeds and got his first 170 cacao trees. At the same time, they planted citrus and fruit trees. His entourage, surprised by the color and the large size of his beans, qualified his cacao as poor quality at the time. Elmer and his family never gave up, they then started to plant the trinitario variety and they also opened your own chocolate factory. Today, to his surprise, people admire his cacao criollo for the aromas and for the white beans.
« Today I can say that I live from my production and that cacao has changed my life."
Cacaos of Elmer Martinez

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