Typically, Robusta is thought to be of an inferior quality to Arabica... but this coffee is no doubt the exception that confirms the rule! Produced at the heart of the Panama farm, at an altitude of 1,500 metres, it promises a much better quality than most other Robusta coffees. It is grown on very sunny slopes, on land that is among the richest in the countryin organic matter.
It is the perfect coffee for making espressos.
Guatemala - Robusta - Atitlan - Solola - Panama - Washed - by Sail

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Exceptional Robusta!
Sourced by our agency in El Salvador
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- Guatemala
Atitlan Terroir
Solola - Panama
- Alex Herrera
Robusta Process
69kg - Jute bags
1400 - 1500 Harvest period
November - February Type of harvest
The region Atitlan
Among Guatemala's five volcanic coffee regions, Atitlán stands out for having the most abundant organic matter in its soil. Coffee cultivation thrives on the slopes of the three imposing volcanoes that command the shores of Lake Atitlán. The microclimate is significantly shaped by the daily winds, known as Xocomil, which whip across the cold waters of the lake.

Meet Alex Herrera
A few words about Alex Herrera
Coffees of Alex Herrera
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