We’ve been buying Boyce coffees directly since 2017, which is a great advantage because there are usually up to seven intermediaries separating a producer from the final buyer!
Oreti Estate
Kenya - Thika - Oreti - C - Mixed Var - Washed

Kenya - Province Centrale
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The Harries family, Belco partner since 2017
Sourced by our agency
Belco first got to know the Harries family a few years ago.
Boyce Harries is the 5th generation of the family to manage the two Chania and Oreti plantations. These two farms are the last remaining medium-sized farms in Kenya.
Both Chania and Oreti Estates specialize in washed coffee processing, Coffee cherries undergo a carefully monitored process of fermentation (18:00 hours), washing, and drying. The estates categorize beans based on size and quality, with primary classifications being AA (screen size 18+), AB (screen size 17+), C(screen size 16+) and PB (Peaberry, screen size 15+).
Water management is another key factor in coffee production. With an average annual rainfall of 700-750mm, the farms also implement sprinkler irrigation during dry periods, often irrigating overnight to optimize efficiency. The estates are part of a broader river system that includes the Karimenu River and Chania Rivers, providing a vital water source for coffee cultivation.
Boyce manages a seedling nursery that cultivates both coffee and commercial exotic trees. They use their own timber and actively plant eucalyptus. Additionally, they practice re-grafting for certain coffee varieties. The nursery includes a selection of coffee varieties such as SL, French Mission, Ruiru 11, Gesha, and Pacamara.
Over a century of farming has impacted soil fertility, so both estates focus on soil management and fertilization techniques. Pruning is done twice a year which helps control how the coffee grows for the next few months.
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Kenya Region
Province Centrale Terroir
Thika - Oreti Estate
- Boyce Harries
Arabica Variety
Mixed Var
Drying beds
60kg - Jute bags
1525 Harvest period
October - January Type of harvest
The farm Oreti Estate
Boyce, a dedicated coffee farmer in Kenya, manages two family-owned estate farms: Chania and Oreti. These farms have a rich history, dating back to the family's settlement in South Africa in 1901 before relocating to Kenya. In 1926, Boyce's great-grandfather purchased the land, recognizing its water availability as a crucial factor for successful farming. Since then, the estates have evolved into well-established coffee farms, focusing on high-quality production and sustainable practices.
The Oreti Estate farm has been owned by the Harries family for several generations. It is one of the last two remaining medium-sized farms in Kenya and is located on deep volcanic red soils. This small 35-hectare farm (which is in fact a large farm by Kenyan standards) was named after New Zealand’s Oreti Beach, where Boyce’s grandfather met his grandmother for the first time. Peter Harries decided to plant 17 hectares of SL14 alongside the SL28 in 1961. Although particularly susceptible to disease, the family has kept this variety because it’s of a higher quality than SL28. Although it shares many similarities with Chania, Oreti is slightly higher in elevation, which influences its microclimate and coffee characteristics.
The Harries family also owns the Chania farm, and 80 hectares of indigenous forests planted to encourage biodiversity currently cover the two farms combined.
Today, over 50% of the Chania and Oreti farms are planted with Red Bourbon. The rest is a mix of Ruiru 11 (resistant variety), K7 (rust resistant), SL28 (susceptible to disease but known for its cup quality) and the new Batian variety. The estate has its own coffee processing station, ensuring handling from harvest. The farms have 40 full-time staff, but employ up to 300 people during harvests to select and prepare the coffees. The farm has opened its own nursery school to take care of its employees’ children.
All the coffee is picked entirely by hand and processed on site. Most are washed, but Boyce also produces natural and honey-processed coffees as well as microlots of specific varieties.
Total number of hectares
38 Altitude
1560-1650 Environment
Volcanic Rainfall
700-750 Agroforestry level
2 - Complex

Meet Boyce Harries
A few words about Boyce Harries
The Harries family has been living in Kenya, in the town of Thika (Central Province), since 1904. Boyce, a dedicated coffee farmer in Kenya, manages two family-owned estate farms: Chania and Oreti. These farms have a rich history, dating back to the family's settlement in South Africa in 1901 before relocating to Kenya. In 1926, Boyce's great-grandfather purchased the land, recognizing its water availability as a crucial factor for successful farming. Since then, the estates have evolved into well-established coffee farms, focusing on high-quality production and sustainable practices.
These two farms are the last remaining medium-sized farms in Kenya and are currently owned by Boyce Harries, who belongs to the family’s 5th generation of coffee producers.
The Harries family grows varieties that are quite unusual for Kenya, including SL14 and Red Bourbon. It is the last to still produce the SL14 variety, which was the first SL14 to be cultivated in Kenya. SL14 is particularly weak, so it has been gradually replaced in Kenya with the SL28 and SL34 varieties, which are more climate hardy and produce higher yields.
Belco first got to know the Harries family a few years ago. They were so well-organised and knowledgeable of the industry that we were able to begin working together in 2017, buying coffee from them directly for the very first time. Which is a great advantage, because there are usually up to 7 intermediaries separating a producer from the final buyer!
Coffees of Boyce Harries

The Harries family, Belco partner since 2017

The Harries family, Belco partner since 2017
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