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Bolivia - La Paz - Farms Yungas - Grade 1 - FW - Aymara,Organic

TypicaRed catuaiWashed

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Producers that have chosen to go beyond what is expected by the organic standards

During our sourcing trip, we witnessed a sad reality. "External consultants" were advising the Yungas community to cut shading trees as, according to them, full sun coffee had better yield. Some consultants were even advising on abandoning the organic certification all together to allow chemical treatments.

Sourced by our agency in Colombia

To defend a less destructive model of agriculture, we have written a specifications book for all our Bolivian coffees. These precise specifications have the aim to incentivize more sustainable practices and reforestation within the organic certification.

Felix is ​​a young Bolivian entrepreneur. With a background in mechanics, his love for coffee brought him back to this world. Son of a coffee producer, he has been our field man in Yungas for the past 4 year. In search of each Terroir’s potential, he seeks excellent coffees but above all, he explores Human potentials. Working closely to farmers, he works in favor of a richer biodiversity in coffee farms implementing, more shade. 

Buying these coffees is a way to support their practices within an organic and also sustainable agriculture.


Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

    La Paz
  • Terroir

  • Species

  • Varieties


    Red catuai

  • Process


  • Drying


  • Packaging

    60kg - Jute bags

  • Altitude

  • Harvest period

    June - October
  • Type of harvest


The terroir Caranavi

The municipality of Caranavi, in the region of La Paz, is considered the coffee capital of the country. 91% of Bolivian coffee is produced in the region of La Paz, with the main model being organic family farming, which averages 2-3 hectares of coffee growing area. Between 1990 and 2017, production decreased from 156,000 to 31,000 60-kilo bags, with yields falling from 15 to 5 bags.

Project Aymara - Bolivia

For sustainable coffee production in the Yungas forests

Together, LATA 16, Cooperativa San Juan, CooperativaAljiri and Belco contributed part of the export funds to hire agronomic experts to produce 4,000 seedlings to reforest the area of the initiative's member producers in this region. 


The number of trees planted to reforest the farms selected by the Aymara project.


The number of hectares that will be reforested thanks to the Aymara project.


The number of families who have benefited from the Aymara project.

See the project

Equipments selection