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To meetDW

Photo of the producer

A few words about DW

DW Coffee Export has been established for several decades in the Guji region, where its managing director Demissie Edema hails from. The company is both a producer and exporter. DW owns farms in the Guji appellation as well as several washing and drying stations in the Hambela district.

Aware of the potential of the coffee produced in this area, the members of DW put all their energy into enhancing the quality of the coffees produced here. In addition to the coffees harvested on their farms, DW works with small farmers from whom they collect the finest cherries to complete the batches. Always careful to trace these batches as closely as possible, DW prepares them in different stations to ensure even distribution - and therefore uniform drying - and total traceability of the coffees offered.   

To support these small producers, DW provides them with technical assistance and financial support, in particular by paying a higher price for the cherries than the market price in order to maintain the optimum quality of the beans collected.

The rigorous work carried out by DW's teams at different levels of the chain ensures the quality of the coffees produced. Several DW coffees have won awards in recent years, both in Ethiopia and in competitions throughout Africa. These awards are a source of pride for DW, and serve to recognise the care that goes into our work, from farm to export.