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Our latest equipment

Our current selections

The V60 turns 60!

In 2025, Hario's iconic V60 celebrates its 20th anniversary. An opportunity to (re)discover all the models and variants created over the years!


New espresso gear

Discover all our espresso accessories: from grinders and tampers to milk jugs and high-precision scales!

The best tools for my baristas

Imperfect products, not to be left behind

We have decided to keep “imperfect” products available for sale. A selection of discounted equipment with missing or damaged packaging, or products with minor visual defects.

Let's see

JB's selection, ceramic dripper lover

We also enjoy coffee with our eyes, so what could be more beautiful than a ceramic dripper?

Business Developer

Our brands


The brand of the month


Precise Brew is a brand offering plastic coffee filters that can be recycled and reused up to 1000 times.

Its founders have been involved in specialty coffee since the early 2000s, so they finally set about creating their brand "Precise Brew" under the slogan "Advanced Coffee Filtration". These words take on their full meaning, as they have developed their own material manufacturing process, giving their filters extreme precision and consistency (down to the micron!), whatever the extraction method. 

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All the recipes prepared by our teams

There's no such thing as a perfect recipe, except the one you prefer! We share with you some of our recipes that can serve as a guide and a basis.

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