Las Terrazas is one of the three Vides 58 farms to be managed by the same producer, Renardo Ovalle. It is located in the heart of La Libertad, at an altitude of between 1,750 and 2,100 metres. The farm produces the Caturra, Pacas & San Ramon varieties. Humidity at Huehuetenango is very high (70% humidity, 1,500 mm annual rainfall), making production of natural-processed coffees impossible.
The cherries at Las Terrazas are harvested at maturity then de-pulped before being placed in a fermentation tank for 24 to 48 hours (the duration depends entirely on what the weather is like at that time). The beans then pass through water, where they are graded according to their density and washed at the same time. They are then dried on the patio for about 10 to 16 days.
The farm in detail
1750 - 2100 Environment
Volcanic Shady