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La Leona

Colombia - Tolima - Planadas - La Leona - Caturra - FW,WW

Caturra rougeWashed

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About this coffee

Sourced by our agency in Colombia

Finca La Leona is located in the Tolima region, in the Planadas terroir. Being able to harvest coffee all year round, thanks to the two harvest periods, from October to December and from May to July. We're lucky to be able to drink this coffee all year round!

Of the farm's 43 hectares, 25 are dedicated to growing coffee. The farm is managed by Laura Enciso, who has been in charge since 2019. The management of the farm is exemplary, with very little use of products, only when necessary to protect the coffee trees from rust and coffee borers.

During a sourcing trip with our teams, one of our customers was immediately attracted by the incredible potential of this farm. He chose to make a commitment to Laura to undertake the reforestation of the farm and to support her towards increasingly organic practices.

This commitment between a producer and a roaster is a perfect reflection of our vision for the industry: through concrete projects, to create sincere, direct and lasting relationships between those who produce, roast and drink coffee!

What is a "WOMEN COFFEE" at Belco?

We have decided to support women producers by identifying their coffees with a small WOMEN COFFEE logo. This is because women play a vital role in the industry, being heavily involved in the farms and representing over 70% of the workforce in the fields, harvesting, sorting the beans, etc.

However, only 10% of them are entrepreneurs and only 20% are landowners (including co-ownerships with their spouses). Increasing the income of women producers has a direct and positive impact on children's education and household comfort.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

  • Farm

    La Leona
  • Producer

    Laura Enciso
  • Species

  • Variety

    Caturra rouge

  • Process


  • Drying


  • Altitude

    1800 - 2100
  • Harvest period

    October - December
  • Type of harvest


The farm La Leona

This 43 hectare farm, 25 of which are dedicated to growing coffee, is managed by Laura Enciso who took over the reins of the family farm in 2019. During a sourcing trip with our team, one of our clients was immediately won over by the incredible potential of this farm and he chose to support Laura over several years to reforest the area and help her start a transition to organic farming. In a country where still too few women are at the head of farms, it is important to us to support her. His farm is located near the village of Gaitania and all the conditions are met to produce a very high quality of cup (altitude, terroir, climate ...). This commitment between a producer and a roaster perfectly reflects our vision for the specialty coffee sector: through concrete projects, create sincere, direct and long-term relationships between those who produce, roast and drink coffee!
  • Total number of hectares

  • Number of hectares cultivated

  • Altitude

    1800 - 2100
  • Environment

  • Shady

    Reforestation in progress
  • Agroforestry level


Meet Laura Enciso

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A few words about Laura Enciso

La Finca La Leona is located in the south of Tolima, in the region of Planadas and more precisely in the village of Gaitania. Afranio Enciso, whose personal history would leave no-one indifferent. He used to run the farm with his son. They worked together to improve the quality of their coffee, for example by testing different varieties and perfecting their post-harvest processes. Efforts that bore fruit, because in 2015 they finished 8th in the Cup of Excellence. This is quite an achievement, because over 1,000 coffees were competing, and a good indication of the exceptional properties of their terroir. Sadly, Afranio’s life fell apart when he learnt that his son had died. The farm was abandoned for over two years before his daughter, Laura, took over about eight months ago. There are still far too few companies managed by women in this country, so we felt very strongly about wanting to encourage her, because all the conditions are met for producing a very high-quality cup.

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