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Santa Maria Farm

Colombia - Nariño - Buesaco - Armando B - Geisha - FW


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About this coffee

Finca Santa Maria is located in the Buesaco area of the department of Nariño. Located at an altitude of between 1800 and 2200 meters above sea level, in a mountainous area on the border with Ecuador, the coffee is cultivated with large temperature differences that make the production unique. 

Armando Benavides has owned this 8-hectare farm for over 30 years. He promotes sustainable agricultural practices: polyculture, agroforestry, composting, and working the land to reduce the use of chemical inputs.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

  • Farm

    Santa Maria Farm
  • Producer

    Armando Benavides
  • Species

  • Variety


  • Process


  • Drying

    Drying beds

  • Altitude

    1850 - 1900
  • Harvest period

    May - July
  • Type of harvest


The farm Santa Maria Farm

 Santa María Estate, high-quality coffee located in the Andes mountains, in Buesaco, Nariño.

For those who have never visited the estate, the path is unpaved and winds through the mountainous landscape near Buesaco. As one approaches, the panoramic views of mountains and valleys become increasingly impressive, with a lush green environment that signals the proximity to the estate. Originally owned by a retired airplane pilot who decided to sell it in the 1980s, Armando Benavides acquired the property and, together with his family, has cared for and cultivated the land since then. Initially dedicated to growing apples and other fruits, over 20 years ago, Armando decided to shift the estate's focus to coffee cultivation, while still preserving many native fruits and trees to maintain the estate's ecosystem.  

  • Total number of hectares

  • Altitude

    1950 - 2000
  • Environment

    Most of its territory is mountainous with some flat areas. The main orographic features are the Bordoncillo and Morasurco hills; this sector corresponds to temperate, cold and paramo thermal floors.
  • Humidity

  • Temperature

    12 - 16
  • Shady

  • Agroforestry level


Meet Armando Benavides

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A few words about Armando Benavides

Finca Santa Maria exists for more than 50 years. It was bought by Armando Benavides 30 years ago. In his farm, Armando works with his family. He is surrounded by Valeria, Magaly and Juan Pablo: his wife and children.

In 2013, the Benavides family was attacked by bandits who damaged the farm and stole the production. Thankfully, the damage was only material. However, the financial losses were significant as coffee was the family's only income, as it is for many in Colombia. With the help of friends, the family rebuilt the Finca. The following year, they were able to resume high quality production, which was awarded a score of 92 in Coffee Review. 

Today, Armando's family production is recognised in the area for its shade-grown, responsible farming practices that aim to reduce chemical intrants. 

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