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Guatemala - Jalapa - Mataquescuintla - Bourbon rouge - Washed

Red bourbonWashed

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About this coffee

This year has been very special for Finca Vizcaya, as the various tests carried out by Francisco Quezada have paid off. 

After a selective harvest, the coffees are fermented for 72 hours before being fully washed. They are then dried on patios for 15 days. The result is a sweet and complex cup with notes of orange, lemon and dark chocolate.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

    Mataquescuintla / Jalapa
  • Farm

  • Producer

    Francisco Quezada
  • Species

  • Variety

    Red bourbon

  • Process


  • Drying


  • Altitude

    1500 - 1850
  • Harvest period

    December - March
  • Type of harvest


The farm Viscaya

Finca Vizcaya is located in Mataquescuintla, Jalapa, between 1,500 and 1,750 metres above sea level. This exemplary farm of 190 hectares benefits from a natural ecosystem where Francisco Quezada grows coffee and produces coffee honey.

  • Total number of hectares

  • Altitude

    1500 - 1750
  • Environment


Meet Francisco Quezada

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A few words about Francisco Quezada

Francisco wants to continue to push the boundaries of speciality coffee and innovate by introducing new exotic varieties and investing in different fermentation and drying processes. His intention is to continually improve the quality of his coffees so that he can obtain better payment terms to maintain the farm and provide good working conditions for his staff.

Coffees of Francisco Quezada

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