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El marchito

Colombia - Tolima - Gaitania - Justiniano Paya - Colombia - F. Anaero

ColombiaAnaerobic Fermentation

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About this coffee

A member of the ASOCANAFI association, Justiniano Paya has isolated a micro-lot of the Colombia variety.

After harvesting, the coffee cherries are fermented for around 120 hours in anaerobic conditions in plastic bags.

The cherries are then pulped and washed. The coffee then ferments in parchment, in the same environment, for between 24 and 60 hours.

The parchment then dries for between 72 and 240 hours, in the shade of the farm's marquesinas.

As far as drying times are concerned, as is often the case, it all depends on the weather. Depending on the heat, exposure to the sun and humidity, the fermentation and drying periods can be shorter or longer.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

  • Farm

    El marchito
  • Producer

    Justiniano Paya
  • Species

  • Variety


  • Process

    Anaerobic Fermentation

  • Drying


  • Packaging

    70kg - Jute bags

  • Altitude

    1500 - 2000
  • Harvest period

    March - June
  • Type of harvest


The farm El marchito

Finca El Marchito covers an area of 6 hectares. Located in the village of Gaitania, in the Planadas region of Tolima, the farm is situated at an altitude of between 1650 and 2100 m. Of the 6 hectares, 4 are dedicated to coffee and another 2 are reserved for the production of beans. At El Marchito, Justiniano Paya produces microlots of the Geisha, Prink Bourbon, Caturra, Colombia and Castillo varieties, in accordance with the requirements of organic farming.  

  • Total number of hectares

  • Number of hectares cultivated

  • Altitude

    1650 - 2100
  • Environment

  • Agroforestry level


Meet Justiniano Paya

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A few words about Justiniano Paya

Justiano Paya is an indigenous producer. He is a second-generation coffee grower on the El Marchito farm in Gaitania, Tolima. He founded ASOCANAFI, one of the main associations of indigenous coffee growers in the Nasawe'x community in Planadas. ASOCANAFI is made up of more than 170 producer families. 

Belco has been supporting ASOCANAFI for several years now, not only by buying the coffee, but also by supporting sustainable projects and accompanying the quality team and agronomists who train the Nasawe'x producers.

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