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To meetResguardo Indigena de Paez


A few words about Resguardo Indigena de Paez

Colombia is one of the countries that cultivates and exports the most coffee in the world. Known worldwide as a smooth and aromatic coffee, this bean has opened its doors in the international market thanks to the improvement in the production processes that maintain its unique quality.

Thanks to the geographical conditions of the country, its altitude, latitude and temperature, Colombia cultivates a coffee of excellent qualities. Experts refer to Colombian coffee as "a beverage with a clean cup, medium/high acidity and body, pronounced and full aroma".

The territory of Paez stands out for its coffee culture: in the rugged mountains are cultivated and transported quality beans grown with the tenacity and love of the people for the land. It is cultivated along with beans, corn, banana, avocado, guava, guava and some citrus fruits such as oranges.