La Paloma is located in the village of Circasia, in Quindio department. There are beautiful views of the city and the mountain range. In the middle of
protected areas that lead to Barbas Bremen, which gives us a beautiful biodiversity.
La Paloma is located in the village of La Pola in Circasia. It is a farm that my grandfather Primitivo bought more than 50 years ago and is planted in Castillo, Colombia and Caturra. It is an ideal farm for the drying of our natural coffee because of its elbas built more than 30 years ago, which we rescued and today we deliver coffees with perfect drying by elevating them on beds.
The farm in detail
Total number of hectares
100 Altitude
1400-1550 Environment
Tropical Agroforestry level
1 - Simple
Meet Ana Donneys
Coffees of this farm
Co-founder of IWCA Colombia (International Women Coffee Alliance)