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Finca Agroloja

Ecuador - Loja - Finca Agroloja - Sidra - D. fermentation - Honey

SidraDouble fermentation

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About this coffee

This coffee is produced by Angel Reyes, an agronomist by profession, from a family of coffee growers. The Sidra variety, which he grows on his Finca Agroloja farm, originated in Ecuador. Known for its fragility and great cup potential, it can now be found on many competition tables.

What's special about the honey double fermentation process, developed by Angel Reyes and called "honey brillante"? It includes an initial 72-hour fermentation phase of whole cherries in hermetically sealed vats, before the coffee is pulped and dried on raised beds for 25 days.

Full documentation

Documents, visuals, traceability, etc...

  • Origin

  • Region

  • Terroir

  • Farm

    Finca Agroloja
  • Producer

    Angel Reyes
  • Species

  • Variety


  • Process

    Double fermentation

  • Drying

    Drying beds

  • Altitude

    1500 - 1850
  • Harvest period

    May - October
  • Type of harvest


The farm Finca Agroloja

Finca Agroloja is located between 1500 and 1850 metres above sea level in the province of Loja, in the south of Ecuador. The hills of the Malacatos Valley, which form a unique landscape around the farm, have a cool climate and rainfall suitable for growing coffee. Ecuador is renowned for its immense biodiversity and Angel has preserved this throughout Finca Agroloja. On this 28 hectare farm, 50% of the land is planted with Caturra, Typica Mejorado, Sidra and Geisha trees, and Angel Reyes also grows other fruits such as oranges, lemons, mangoes, avocados, bananas, plantains and yuca, as well as other local plants.  

  • Total number of hectares

  • Number of hectares cultivated

  • Altitude

  • Environment


Meet Angel Reyes

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A few words about Angel Reyes

An agronomist by profession, Angel comes from a family of growers with a long tradition in coffee growing in the province of El Oro, formerly known as Zaruma. His family is renowned for producing high altitude coffee with very high quality cup profiles. Building on this heritage, Angel aims to combine the family tradition with his innovative vision.

Always striving for excellence, he has incorporated high-quality varieties such as Sidra into his plantation and developed his post-harvest expertise. As a result, Angel is now widely recognised in the world of speciality coffees and has won several competitions.

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Coffees of Angel Reyes

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