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Identity record

  • Capital city

  • Coffee area

  • Average farm area

  • Geography

    Arabica is grown from 1.200 masl to up to 2.500 masl; 100 masl to 400 masl in Galapagos Islands. Robusta is grown in low lands in Amazonia and Pacific Coast Historical regions Manabí, Loja, Zaruma New coffee belt Noroccidente de Pichincha (Chocó andino) and Loja (Southern dry lands)
  • Harvest period

    May - July
  • Secondary harvest

    June - September
  • Number of coffee growers

  • Number of people living from the coffee industry

  • Number of harvests per year

    1 - 2
  • Bag production per year

  • Main varieties

    Bourbon, Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Robusta, Sidra, Typica

Coffee production areas

Click on the area you want to observe

Harvest periods

Harvest period

Secondary harvest


The coffee sector from the country

The sectorGeographyMain actorsExport Ports

The sector

Ecuador produces both Arabica and Robusta. Coffee used to be part of the top ten exported products but disapeared from statistics during the last two decades while cocoa production was getting every year higher.

The coffee region is mountainous and 90% of producers own small lands (1.2 hectares on average). During the last decade a specialty coffee production arose boosted by high prices and a new type of farmer appeared taking advantage of an unique availability of fancy varieties (Typica Mejorado, Sidra, Nestlé) and special growing conditions.  


Main actors

60% of all coffee exports comes from El Café a soluble producer. 5 firms export more than 90%. The first green coffe exporter (Fapecafe) is ranked 6th with 2% of all coffee export incomes. Due to the high prices, some producers export themselves by air (direct trade).  

Export Ports

There are several harbours : Guayaquil, Manta, Machala and Esmeraldas all on Pacific coast.


Belco, Ecuador

From 2006 on, Belco is importing one or two containers yearly mainly filled with estate and micro lots. 

Sourcer's word

Our Belco Colombia team has developed activities that effectively and efficiently include everyone involved in the value chain, from the farm and producers through to coffee export. Our aim is to generate value and cultivate special relationships built on trust, that will develop and grow stronger over time. We have set up projects, programmes, training, coaching, knowledge-sharing initiatives, academic conferences, field visits, cuppings, internal (for our colleagues) and external (for our customers) visits in different regions, all in the name of Belco. 2021 has been a year rich in learning and experiences, which are helping us to develop our brand. Our branch is a useful platform for gaining a foothold in the Andean region, as a producer of specialty coffee in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. Belco Colombia has been responsible for sourcing, quality and transition activities for these origins since 2022. 

Diego Zamora, Belco Branch Manager in Armenia.  

The producers

Coffees product in Ecuador

Our other coffee origins